Age doesn't matter here at EHRA
Jody Hahn | 53 Years Old | US
Describe build week, compared to what you expected.
The build week was hard work, but great work. Our team was very motivated to finish the wall and we worked very well as a team. It is heavy continuous work and very gratifying to see the progression. You collect rocks, collect sand, mix cement and construct the wall itself.
How would you describe your time with EHRA to a friend?
Incredible! Informative! Their hearts and minds are on the welfare of these beautiful animals. They are knowledgable and we were encourage to ask as many questions as possible which revealed the depth and breadth of the challenges between elephants and humans.
What did you wish that you had brought with you?
For the build week your skin gets very dry due to the dryness of the environment and the cement and sand. I wish I had brought more body lotion. My angles got sore from my boots because I had short socks. I should have brought taller socks!
Please explain how well you knew the other group members before you started and how well you feel you know them now:
I knew no one and now I have lovely friends. I loved our whole team! I know them and want to stay in contact.