Your donation will help us to protect elephants & help people to coexist with them!

What makes living with elephants OK?

EHRA strives to identify all elements that spark intolerance and conflicts between people and elephants and to systematically implement projects that remove or lessen these elements. We aim to make living with elephants bearable as a first step towards helping communities to secure their livelihoods and wild elephants to survive.

  • We protect water infrastructure from elephants

  • We provide special drinking dams for elephants outside of villages

  • We replace expensive diesel water pumps with solar water pumps to make living with elephants less costly

  • We educate, train and empower rural communities about how to live SAFELY with elephants and apply conflict mitigation methods

  • We monitor elephant movement, population health and trends to provide managing authorities with accurate elephant data

  • We provide early warning alert services to people suffering from visiting elephants

  • We consult residents on how to make your farm and homestead “elephant proof”

  • We continuously strive to improve human-elephant coexistence to ensure the elephants’ long-term survival outside of National Parks.

Thank you in advance for your generous support.



Make a Direct International Transfer:

You can make a deposit straight into the EHRA bank account in Namibia using these details or contact us to access our secure online payment gateway:

Account name: EHRA


Account number: 11000105416

Branch code: 461052

SWIFT code: NEDSNANX (this is the international transfer code)

IBAN: 46105211000105416

Reference: Please state what the money is for.

For Direct Payments to UK Charity:

Elephant Human Relations Aid UK

The Co-operative Bank

Account Number: 68783589

Sort Code: 08 92 50

Please give your name as a reference and drop us an email for a receipt!


Thank you so much for your support. We truly appreciate it.